Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wine, Women and Song

Whoa there Don Quixote! This post isn’t about what you think it’s about, right? Confused? Just have your cousin beep my beeper and I’ll find a pay phone and get right back to him.
The time in our lives is very important. We’ve only got so much of it, so we’d better be using it wisely. If time were money, as some say that it is, training for endurance sports would cost us all a fortune. We’ve got to make sacrifices with our commitments to become the best that we can possibly be. Sure, we’re all busy with family, work and socializing. There are more commitments in our lives than there are Kardashian sisters. For me, this involves reducing the countless hours of wine, women and song.
Humans, by nature are social creatures. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg. We like to get together and tell important stories (jokes) that others claim to not enjoy but yet they want to hear more of. Did you hear about the bear that walked into a bar??? Humans require interaction with others. Happy hour really wasn’t invented to save us cash on our indiscretions. It was created so that we could validate our good times.
If you want to finally get to Boston or even just compete in your local 5K for the first time, you are going to have to make some sacrifices. You and Don Julio will have to be seeing less of each other. Training for marathons or triathlons can eat up a huge amount of time in our lives. Weekly long runs can easily exceed a couple of hours in which we are inaccessible.  You’ve got to tell your friends, family and significant others that you have not been abducted by ALF. If you are poised to become what your daydreams produce, you’ll need to make sacrifices.
I am of the breed that it’s difficult to say no to a social invite. For instance, the college football season is just around the corner. College football is in my past. It’s in my blood. My grandmother once asked if Oregon Duck football was my favorite television “show.” Umm, yes, yes it is. I don’t know if I can turn down a guest appearance at a football game party/tailgate/discussion. This is positioned directly opposite any marathon training. Especially if chips and dip are involved.
If you want marathon smiles, you’ve got to put in the miles. There really is no way around it. This isn’t the sixth grade; you can’t trade a test answer for a cookie. Put the time in at the gym or on those backcountry roads and your race experiences will be greatly improved. Just make sure that your football buddies or grandmother knows that you still exist.
by RJ Lott
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